Kinddler - Philippines

Kinddler [kahynd-ler]

A paying social micro-blogging network which you can creatively Manipulated your content and where people can read your post world wide with the help of our powerful SEO implementation.

Basic 250pesos

100pesos Direct Referral Income
25pesos Indirect Referral Income
150pesos Int'l Referral Income
0.005 per post hits
0.0001 per up-voting

Starter 500pesos

200pesos Direct Referral Income
50pesos Indirect Referral Income
300pesos Int'l Referral Income
0.05 per post hits
0.001 per up-voting

GOLD PACKAGE 2500pesos

1000pesos Direct Referral Income
250pesos Indirect Referral Income
1100pesos Int'l Referral Income
0.5 per post hits
0.01 per up-voting